However, some weeks ago, I started getting "You have chosen not to trust..." message when connecting. Unfortunately for me, it coincided with a new laptop build, and I have assumed that my configuration has gone awry. My new system was built from scratch, but the home directory was restored from an rsync backup of my old laptop. That managed to confuse me, in that I suspected that some of the start-up files imported from the old (32-bit) laptop conflicted with the new (64-bit) system. It kept me going! I have repeated my own instructions several times, trying other browsers, googling if others had anything similar issues. The overwhelming set of instructions kept referring to the lack of the certificate in the correct ICAclient location. I have double and treble checked that part of the setup, and all seemed well, but the problem persisted.
Having spent several hours on dissecting the problem and getting nowhere, I suddenly relised that all proposed solutions refer to a couple of certificate authorities, whereas my error message referred to something totally different. Went to their site, and it turned out that my certificate that, I had been using for years, has been updated (even though it was meant to be valid till 2020). Anyway, a new download of the certificate into the keystore:

(an operation that in itself took about 15 seconds) and the problem was sorted.
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