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    G-AVLN in front of her home

    G-AVLN in front of her home

    Mostly Unix and Linux topics. But flying might get a mention too.

    Thursday, November 03, 2005

    Polish your Ingres in Polish

    Been looking for a book on Ingres, hoping to find something on r3.
    Funily enough, couldn't (and din't) find anything on amazon, etc. There are some excellent HOWTOs, notably at, but nothing recent - most of the documents are several years old. Something more contemporary could prove quite useful. Now, there is a thought ;-)

    However, found a book in a Polish on-line technical bookshop!

    OK, it isn't exactly up-to-date, as was published in 1994, but I still found it amusing that one exists! And at all of 6.50 zl (about £1.00), I decided to order it!

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